If you REALLY want to make money you are going to have to sacrifice some time doing things you will get paid to do. Ways you can get paid to do things are as follows:
- Pay per hour -Actually getting hired at a job
- Pay per piece (entry) - Getting hired by an independent employer
- Pay per mille (1,000 impressions) - Joining as a publisher at an advertising network
- Pay per click - Joining as a publisher at an affiliate network
- Pay per lead - (Same as above)
- Pay per sale - (Same as above)
- Pay per call - (Same as above)
- Pay per commission (percent) - As a joint venture (Broker)
- Pay per task - Working as a short tasker
- Pay per lend - You can also lend things like room space, a car, advertising space, or money and get paid!
- Pay per invest - When you invest it's like selling time to do financial transactions. Get paid to invest into forex, binary options, stocks, bonds, etc.